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The Shipping News (not the book by Annie Proulx)

You'll see that on the website, I've adopted a flat rate of $6 per order. I'm not able to tailor the postage to each individual order as I did before, and also there's much the same work in packing and sending 3 or 4 skeins as there is in sending 1. This way, those who buy several items are being rewarded. If your finances run only to one item, do consider combining your order with a friend to make it more cost-effective.

As from 1st February, all parcels going to rural addresses will have a $3.70 surcharge applied. This is a pity as I have many rural customers. I am unable to absorb this, so have added a Rural delivery option under "shipping" on the website, which has an additional $3 added. Please select this option when placing orders. Thanks!

Overseas? Please contact me for a personalised shipping cost quote for your yarn.

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